Hoooo~ Long long time since i last blogged!! Quite busy slacking ard actually. Juz changed my blog song to suit the 7th Month Festival. I noe someone will sure cum and nag mi! Wahaha.. Its okie ! :P
Well... Few months since i did a proper entry. Life is not bad, still in my same old job facing the same working problem. But who cares? Hahaha. Nothing interesting or challenging other than fixing some blown light bulbs which is not under my job scope. Visiting youku.com and logging in msn has become my daily job scope. Dun envy me! Its not as slack as wat u tink! I got to face same problems each days created by same ppl. I am waiting. Waiting for someone to head hunt mi. Hahaha.
Actually I did someting meaningful last month. Tat was to book a holiday trip to japan in october to celebrate dear's 21st birthday. Haha. She is even happier than mi man! Going to Tokyo disneyland is one of my childhood wish as i got no chance to go there when i was a kid. Well, as a big kid, i will be going to that special place with a special one in 2 mths time! It is actually damn hard to convince myself tat we will be stepping onto the Happyland in October. SONG BO? Not onli tat we will be visiting Tokyo, we will be going to Osaka too. For actual itinerary, u can refer to HERE It will be a continous 7 days of fun i guess. Hope my dear will haf a enjoyable 21st birthday there eventhough there will be no chalet or parties celebration for her. =)
Work hard for ur exam before we enjoy our trip k! =) Love you!