Was rather busy with work for the past 2 days. New container haf juz arrived so haf to call up customers to fix a delivery date. They r all so hungry for their new funitures man. Haf been recieving so many calls frm customers tat why they havent recieved their goods. Really damn stress sia. Dun they noe tat there is something call "delay"? Furthermore European countries tat side are having summer holidays now man. Sure gt cock up one! Lucky the container arrive b4 i go for my leave. I cant imagine tat if i leave the tasks for Lawrence n Julie. Guess they will all curse mi like hell. LOL.
Now wat i hope is tat those furniture will b in very gd condition. "Por bi" tat none of the customers will reject and complain sia. If not, more headaches! (i dun wan to recieve complain calls when i'm in HK sia!)
Well. Toking abt my HK trip, it is juz 8 days away. Very soon man. Did discuss briefly with youjie during our supper session on Tuesday nite. Discussed abt how much money we bringing, how many underwears to bring, which KTV to go, which mamasan to find. Hahahaha. Crap lah. We are gd boys man! Yet to comfirm some of the stuffs so haf to tok to him abt it again. Guess it will b a great trip cos we r all crazy ppls! Not missing our darren eventhough he is taking a later flight. It doesnt matter bra! Fun will onli start when the 6 of us meet up @ night!
Some fotos taken during our supper session (Belly Builder Course) @ Newton on Tuesday nite.

My DY, Ah Pang and me (2 satyrs). Forever so matching. Team Alpha leh. Dun pray pray. Where to find a team whereby 2 team leaders came back together from mission and shivered in bed together (puke some more)? We set the standard man!

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